Ethnic rhinoplasty : Presentation

Ethnic rhinoplasty makes it possible to beautify African and Asian noses in a moderate and natural way without erasing the person’s origin.
Generally speaking, an “ethnic” nose is too wide on the face and too flat in profile. These anatomical differences are due to a lack of development of the bony and cartilaginous structures of the nose.

In profile, there is a lack of height with :

  • A nasal bridge that is too low
  • A flattened nose tip with a projection defect
  • An angle between the nose and the upper lip that is too closed

From the front, there is an excess of width with :

  • A wide and flattened nasal bridge
  • A dazzling tip of nose that seems crushed
  • An enlarged base with overly large nostrils

In general, people of African origin will want to refine the nose as a whole and reduce the size of the nostrils, while a person of Asian origin will want a higher nasal bridge and smaller wings.

All the subtlety of rhinoplasty is to often respond to a request, to get closer to the reliefs of a western nose but keeping the ethnic identity.
During a cosmetic surgery consultation there must be a real discussion between the surgeon and the patient in order to fully understand what can be done according to the request.
Each face has its own identity, so it is important to be able to define precisely the result that will be the most adapted and harmonious to the face.

Many factors condition the attitude to adopt: the skin, the anatomy of the nose, the age, the volumes of the face, the desire of the patient.
The surgeon is there to listen, understand, explain and help you choose.

Before the operation of
an ethnic rhinoplasty

A consultation with Dr. Richard Diacakis plastic surgeon in Paris is necessary before an ethnic rhinoplasty operation.
Photographs are always taken before a rhinoplasty.
A preoperative check-up is carried out: blood test, radiological check-up, see CT scan if necessary.

No medication containing aspirin must be taken 15 days before the operation. It is essential to fast for 6 hours before the operation.

What happens during
an ethnic rhinoplasty?

Ethnic rhinoplasty surgery usually requires a general anaesthetic and a 24-hour hospital stay.
The scars are always internal except in the case of nostril resection where the scar is camouflaged in the nostril fold

Ethnic noses have, to varying degrees, the following particularities :

  • In profile:
    • A lack of height of the bridge
    • A rounded tip lacking forward projection
  • From the front :
    • A flattened and crushed nose bridge
    • A widened, dazzling tip

Thus ethnic rhinoplasty consists of increasing the proportions of the nose in profile by :

  • Increasing the height of the nasal bridge
  • Projecting the tip of the nose forward
  • Opening the angle between the nose and the lip

As well as to reduce the proportions of the nose seen from the front in :

  • Reducing the width of the upper part of the nose
  • Refining the tip of the nose
  • Reducing nostril length

The operating conditions will be partly dictated by the thickness of the skin of the nose.
In any rhinoplasty to obtain the result expected by the patient with a natural appearance it is most often sufficient to correct only the defects without wanting to modify everything.

In the vast majority of cases, the operation will consist of reducing the proportions of the nose from the front and increasing them on the profile. Doctor Richard Diacakis, a plastic surgeon in Paris, obtains in most cases a sufficient projection of the bridge of the nose without having to use a semi-rigid silicone implant. The latter is only useful in extreme cases.
Dr. Richard Diacakis considers that the less material is brought in, the less cartilage or other grafts are used, the more natural and prettier the results are.
Doctor Richard Diacakis, a plastic surgeon in Paris, sometimes uses, especially in African noses, a cartilage graft, taken from the nose, to correct, refine, support and project the tip of the nose which is often too flattened and low.

In very rare cases, when the entire nose needs to be corrected, and in particular when the nasal bridge is very flattened on thick skin, Dr Diacakis can use a semi-rigid L-shaped silicone nasal implant whose placement allows the correction of all the disgraces of this type of nose. These implants of variable sizes are adapted to all types of African noses, even on thick skin. Unlike cartilage grafts, a well positioned and fixed nasal implant will not have a tendency to move and above all to lose volume due to its resorption.

In most cases, a nostril plasty to reduce the width of the nostril base and sometimes to reduce the length of the nostrils is performed.
The scar is placed in the crease of the nostril wing at the base of the nose. This scar is hidden in the fold and is not visible.

After the operation of an
ethnic rhinoplasty

A prescription based on anti-inflammatory, anti-oedematous, and nose wash will be prescribed. The discomfort is mainly linked to the fact that the nasal mucous membrane will produce more “crusts” during the first three months due to internal healing.
The resorbable stitches will fall out on their own within 10 days.
Each patient is unique, the after-effects of the operation vary from one patient to another: swelling and bruising of the eyelids last 7 to 15 days.
Sometimes it is possible to experience some respiratory discomfort in the early stages. This is due to the internal component of the external swelling.
In rare cases, the appearance or accentuation of dark circles is reported, which gradually disappear.
The resin splint will be removed between the 6th and 8th day, the nose will of course still be swollen but the result can already be “imagined”.
From the 15th day onwards, the signs of the operation are no longer visible to those around you.
Sports activities must be stopped or reduced for 4 weeks.

The result of an
ethnic rhinoplasty

The result of the ethnic rhinoplasty will begin to be discussed with the surgeon from one month onwards, at which time approximately 50% of the oedema will be resorbed. The result will be much more drawn at 3 months, 80% of the oedema will be resorbed. The final result is between 6 months and a year.

The price of an ethnic rhinoplasty

The price of a rhinoplasty consultation in Paris by Doctor Richard DIACAKIS is 100 euros.

The price of an ethnic rhinoplasty by Dr. Diacakis aesthetic surgeon in Paris varies according to the importance of the surgical act, the chosen clinic, the desired services and the possible associated interventions.

This operation is most often aesthetic. Ethnic rhinoplasty is then neither reimbursed by social security nor by the complementary mutual insurance company.

In some cases, the operation may be partially covered by the health insurance fund, in particular in the case of a deviation of the nasal septum, trauma or respiratory problems. The surgeon will draw up a request for prior agreement with the medical officer of your health insurance fund. The latter will call you to assess the merits of your request before giving his agreement.

During the consultation you will be given an estimate including :

  • The costs of the clinic (operating theatre costs, accommodation in a single room),
  • The surgeon’s fees,
  • The anaesthetist’s fees,
  • Assistance costs,
  • The application of 20% VAT.

Only the first consultation is charged. All other pre- or post-operative consultations are free of charge without any notion of time.

For all cosmetic surgery the patient has a minimum reflection period of 15 days.

Dr Diacakis, your ethnic rhinoplasty professional in Paris

If you would like to have more information about ethnic rhinoplasty in Paris, please do not hesitate to contact Dr Diacakis aesthetic surgeon in Paris through the contact form.
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