G-spot: presentation

What is the G-Spot?
The G-Spot owes its name to sexologist Ernest Gréfenberg, who carried out a scientific study on female pleasure in 1950. It refers to a small ball less than 1cm in diameter and in the shape of a bean, located on the anterior wall of the vagina, on average 4cm deep.

point g

The G-Spot and Female Pleasure
There are generally two types of female orgasm: clitoral orgasm and vaginal orgasm. G-Spot stimulation provides a very intense orgasm for women.
Recently, G-Spot augmentation techniques have been developed to help stimulate this area during sexual intercourse

Why increase the G-Spot?
G-spot augmentation is recommended for women who experience a sexual pleasure disorder (lack of vaginal orgasm). The phenomenon can be explained by atrophy of the tissues in this area.
Increasing the G-Spot helps to stimulate the periurethral glandular tissue and thus facilitate vaginal pleasure.

How do we do this?
We can treat the female genital organ, including the g-spot, through either surgical or cosmetic medical procedures. Amplification of the g-spot allows us to increase its stimulation, and thus increase pleasure.

Goals of G-Spot Augmentation
It’s important to remember that orgasms are multi-factored phenomena and highly psychological. Increasing the size of the g-spot helps us to achieve better physical stimulation of this area; it does not guarantee that patients will easily be able to achieve vaginal orgasm.
There are two techniques used to increase the g-spot: injection of hyaluronic acid, and lipostructure. Dr. Richard Diacakis, plastic surgeon in Paris, is qualified and trained in these procedures.

G-Spot Augmentation through
the Injection of Hyaluronic Acid

Dr. Diacakis performs augmentation of the g-spot solely through techniques involving injection of hyaluronic acid. He believes results are more consistently satisfactory with this method and more durable than those obtained through liposculpture. Liposculpture also requires hospitalization.

Prior to G-Spot Augmentation
through Hyaluronic Acid Injection

This procedure should always be performed by a surgeon with experience in intimate surgery.
Dr. Diacakis will receive you at his practice for a diagnostic consultation. Dr. Diacakis will inform you of the treatment procedure, of options available, and of recommendations to follow. You will also be provided with an estimate.
Hyaluronic Acids Used in this Treatment.
Hyaluronic acids used are from the French laboratory VIVACY.

Hyaluronic Injections for the
G-Spot: Procedure

Dr. Diacakis performs this procedure in his medical practice. Patients are not required to fast, but should refrain from taking aspirin or anti-inflammatory drugs for eight days before and five days after the injections, in order to prevent bleeding.
G-spot augmentation is a painless procedure, but may be performed under local, contact anaesthesia using an anaesthetic cream. The procedure is performed on patients in a gynecological position.
After disinfecting the area, Dr. Diacakis injects hyaluronic acid into the g-spot. The procedure takes an average of about ten minutes. Patients are able to return home immediately after the procedure.

Post Hyaluronic Injections to the G-Spot

Patients may experience superficial bleeding after injections. In rare cases, patients may experience temporary pain in the injection area.
Hyaluronic acids are a resorbable substance. The effects of this injection lasts for a year, or even longer.

Hyaluronic Acid G-Spot Injection Procedure Costs

The costs of this procedure mainly depend on the quantity of hyaluronic acids to be injected. This will be defined after clinical examination and will depend on local tissue trophicity.
The cost of this treatment typically varies between 800 and 1200 euros.

Dr. Diacakis, your g-spot augmentation professional in Paris

If you would like to receive more information about g-spot augmentation, please do not hesitate to contact Dr. Diacakis through the contact form.
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