Lipofilling — also known as the injection of autologous fat, or fat transfer — is a surgical technique that allows us to transfer a patient’s fat to another part of the body as a filler, or to obtain a more voluminous effect. The technique allows patients to use their own fat in an autologous cell transplant.
Lipofilling has been the subject of enormous progress in recent years; it has become possible to obtain stable, satisfactory results on nearly any part of the body. Lipofilling has thus become a frequent request of patients.
The effects of lipofilling, in addition to restructuring, include a more visibly hydrated skin and radiant complexion. This makes lipofilling an especially attractive option for the face.An autograft of fat cells is considered definitive.
When lipofilling is used to obtain a more voluminous effect, it is possible to repeat the operation several times, depending on the total amount of fat, in order to obtain the desired volume. This is frequently the case in the lipofilling of breasts and buttocks.
Lipofilling is used in a variety of instances:
- Face: Lipofilling of the face allows us to fill in or remodel practically any area (from depressions on the forehead, to reshaping of the eyebrows, correction of dark circles, plumping of lips, shaping of cheekbones, or advancement of the chin)
- Buttocks: Allows us to draw rounder and more shapely buttocks, or to increase the volume of the buttocks
- Calves: Allows us to give calves a more shapely curve
- Intimacy for men: Allows us to increase the circumference of the penis (cf. surgical penoplasty)
- Intimacy for women: Vaginal lipofilling or vaginoplasty allows us to narrow the vaginal walls in order to provide more sensation during sexual intercourse
Lipofilling of the labia majora allows us to provide a more pleasurable tone in the erogenous zone - Hands: Lipofilling gives hands a more supple and luminous appearance, and erases the appearance of wrinkles that appear with age
- Lipofilling can be used to perfect the results of a facelift, or to correct surgical after-effects. It may be used to fill in depressions caused by liposuction
- Lipofilling can also be used in reconstructive surgery
Prior to a Lipofilling Operation
Patients are required to take one or two consultations with Dr. Richard Diacakis, plastic surgeon in Paris. During the first consultation, Dr. Diacakis will provide you with consent documentation, cost estimates, and prescriptions for medication necessary before and after the operation, as well as documentation for a pre-operative check-up with the anaesthetist (as necessary).
Areas from which fat tissue will be removed will be defined during the consultation.
Liposculpture of the silhouette (see buttock liposculpture) is often combined with lipofilling.
This is an aesthetic operation. It is not covered by social security, and we are unable to prescribe medical leave. It is important for patients to plan for a period of unavailability for eight to ten days after the operation.
Patients are required to abstain from any medication containing aspirin in the two weeks leading up to the operation.
Patients are required to fast (no food, beverages, or tobacco) for six hours before the operation.
Patients must refrain from smoking for one month before and up to one month after a lipofilling procedure, in order to allow for a smooth fat autograft, and to reduce the risks of necrosis to fat and skin tissue.
Lipofilling Operation
A lipofilling operation is usually performed under general anaesthesia.
Dr. Diacakis will see you in your room on the morning of the operation to take preoperative photos and draw the areas to be filled and to be removed.
Fat removal is performed with the help of liposuction cannulas. The diameter of the cannulas depends on the area concerned.
Once we have obtained the fat, we filter out everything (blood, water, fibrosis, etc) but fat cells. The fat is then reinjected through 1mm micro-incisions using cannulas designed for the area concerned. We use very fine cannulas for the face, for example, and much larger for the buttocks.
Dr. Diacakis injects fat into different layers of tissue (subcutaneous, glandular, muscular, and submuscular) and in multiple, intersecting directions so as to increase contact surface between injected fat cells and recipient tissue. This allows for a better fat grafting.
The duration of the operation depends on decisions made in consultation.
Facial lipofilling: Fat tissue is systematically filtered and reinjected using tiny cannulas specific to the face. Micro-incisions are invisible. We are able to perform this operation on any area of the face, from the forehead to the eyebrow arch, hollows under the eyes, the lips, cheekbones, chin, etc.
Lipofilling of the buttocks (cf. buttocks lipofilling) and breasts (cf. breasts lipofilling) are among the most commonly practiced procedures today.
Men’s intimacy: To increase the circumference of the penis, we make an incision in the balano-preputial groove. Fat is carefully placed and is injected under the skin in contact with the corpus cavernosum (cf. penoplasty)..
Women’s intimacy: To perform a vaginoplasty by lipofilling, we make two micro-incisions (2-3 mm) at the entrance to the vagina. Stitches are absorbable. The operation lasts approximately one hour. Fatty tissue is filtered and then deposited under the side walls of the vagina in order to narrow it.
Patients should refrain from sexual intercourse for four to six weeks.
Lipofilling of the labia majora helps to tone and energize sagging lips. Fatty tissue is filtered and then injected into different planes. Patients may decide to inject the entire labia majora, or only the upper part. Patients should refrain from sexual intercourse for one month.
Hands: Lipofilling of the hands is practiced with micro cannulas adapted to this area. Filtered fat is deposited under the skin of the hands. The operation can be performed under local or regional anaesthesia (involving anaesthetization of the entire arm).
Calves: Lipofilling of the calves requires well-defined drawings in order to establish the exact desired shape and curvature. Compression bandages will be applied directly in the operating theater. Micro-incisions are closed with absorbable sutures.
We can also use lipofilling after a liposuction procedure to fill unsightly depressions. Preoperative drawings to establish the silhouette must be very precise.
Post Lipofilling
Patients are typically discharged on the morning after the operation. You should plan for a rest period of eight to ten days.
Bruises and swelling may persist for about two weeks.
Discomfort is greater in aspirated areas than in injected areas, which are typically not very painful. You will be prescribed painkillers adapted to your individual needs. You may also be prescribed a preventative anticoagulation medication.
Dr. Diacakis often prescribes an antibiotic prophylaxis to be taken for one week.
Lipofilling Operation Results
In general, the result of a lipofilling procedure begins to take shape after one month, but it is only after three months that the grafting of the fatty tissue is considered to be definitive.
30% of injected fat may be resorbed. We take this into account during the operation.
If patients are unsatisfied with the sufficiency of the fill or wish to add more volume (especially in the breasts, buttocks, or penis), we may perform a second operation to perfect results.
Results, no matter the area performed upon, are generally satisfactory or highly satisfactory.
Lipofilling Operation Costs
A consultation with Dr. Richard DIACAKIS is priced at 100 euros.
The price of the operation depends on several factors which will be defined in consultation after clinical examination.
This operation is usually considered cosmetic and is not reimbursed by social security or by complementary health insurance.
During the consultation, you will receive an estimate including:
- The cost of the clinic (operating theater fees, accommodation in a single room)
- Surgeon fees
- Anaesthetist fees
- Assistance costs
- Application of 20% VAT
Only the first consultation is charged. Dr. Diacakis does not charge a fee on any other pre- or post-operative consultation.
For all cosmetic operations, patients are given a minimum reflection period of fifteen days.