Above all, it is important to point out that each intervention is unique. Indeed the choice of the operating technique depends on the criteria that the surgeon will establish according to the patient.
We can distinguish between aesthetic and reconstructive surgery of the breasts :
– Breast augmentation can be done either by implant or by lipofilling (transfer of autologous fat).
– Breast reduction or breast reduction surgery. This operation allows the breasts to be reduced and lifted.
– Breast ptosis or breast lift is performed to lift the breasts without reducing them. Often it is necessary to put in a breast implant to keep the same volume of the breast or to increase it.
– Reconstructive breast surgery. This operation is performed either after mastectomy (breast cancer) or in the case of tuberous breasts or umbilical nipples.
The incision is different depending on the type of operation :
- In the case of breast augmentation, it can be carried out either under the armpit, on the areola or in the mammary fold. Following this incision, the surgeon creates a space to receive the implant.
After this operation, the breast implant is slipped and placed in the breast either prepectoral (in front of the muscle), post-pectoral (behind the muscle), or behind the muscle on its upper part and in front of it on its lower part (dual-plane). The difference in the placement of the prostheses will be discussed and analysed on a case-by-case basis in consultation.
- In the case of Breast Reduction and/or Breast Ptosis the incision will most often be in the shape of an inverted T-shape. In the case of breast ptosis, it is common that in addition to the breast lift, an implant is needed to maintain the same volume and allow for a longer lasting breast filling.
Similarly, it is only during the consultation that the choice between a round or anatomical implant will be made.